Monday, March 14, 2016

Norway Spring 2016

Well it's been ages since I've thrown up a blog post, but that doesn't mean I haven't been out traveling.  It just mean's I've been lazy!  Last year I ran up a total tally (without counting repeats) of 27 countries, and so far this year (2016) I've been in China, Hong Kong, Myanmar, Thailand, Sweden, Denmark, Germany, Ireland, and Norway!

So without any more excuses here are some pictures from around the Bergen area!

If you're in the Bergen area you should definitely rent a car and explore the fjords both north and south of Bergen.  Also a big thanks to my couch surfing buddy Bård for hosting me and my friends!

1 comment:

  1. Amazing pics Stephen! Makes me wanna see the fjords too.. haha ;D
